Hi! We are CoatChex (currently known as Chexology)! Our founder, Derek Pacqué was on episode 401 of Season 4 of Shark Tank! Thank you for visiting us!
Every year we have so many fans of Shark Tank swim to our website. We want to say “thank you!” to all of you for your encouragement and continued support over the years! So many of you have written us saying that you have used our product out in the wild at nightclubs and hotels across the globe. Our team is grateful for your patronage.
Episode 401 of Shark Tank
In episode 401 of ABC’s Shark Tank, CoatChex was pitched in front of Daymond John, Barbara Corcoran, Robert Herjavec, Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, AKA Mr. Wonderful, and Lori Greiner. During Derek’s pitch for CoatChex, Derek turned down an offer from Mark Cuban to take a 20% stake in the company. Derek and his partner felt it would be best to hold off at such an early stage in the company and pursue other investors.
The other entrepreneurs that also aired during episode 401 along with CoatChex were Body Walking Institute, BuggyBeds, an update o the company ReadeRest, and our office’s personal favorite, BevBuckle (The Beer Buckle).
What has CoatChex been up to since Shark Tank?
We've been growing and expanding! Check out our story on how we blossomed from CoatChex into Chexology.
Every Company that's appeared on Shark Tank
We are inspired by the ingenuity behind all of the companies and products that have made an appearance on Shark Tank. Below is a list of all of the other people crazy enough to pitch their idea to the Shark Tank judges. It's a fun list of innovators we are proud to be a part of. *This list was last updated in May of 2022.
180Cup, 2400 Expert, 50 State Caps, 54 Thrones
A Perfect Pear, ABS Protein Pancakes, Action Rocket Skates, Addison's Wonderland, Ade + Ayo, Adventure Hunt, Afresheet, Air Car, AIRA, AirBedz, Alaska Glacial Mud Co., Aldo Orta, Alice's Table, ALL33, Alpha M, Amber, AngelLift, Angel Shave Club, Angels & Tomboys, Animated Lure, Apolla, Apollo Peak, Aqua Vault, Aquapaw, Arkeg, Ash & Anvil
Atlantic Candy Co., Atlas Monroe, Aura Bora, Ava the Elephant, Avocaderia
Baby Loves Everything, BabyQuip, Baby's Badass Burgers, Back 9 Dips, Bad Birdie, Bag Bowl, Baker's Edge, Bala Bangles, Balloon Distractions, Balm Chicky, Bambooee, Banana Loca, Bang Shack, Bantam Bagels, Baobab, Barbell Apparel, Bare Ease, Bark 'Ems, Basepaws, Basic Outfitters, BatBNB, Baubles + Soles, Bear Minimum, Beard King, Beardaments, Beardbrand, Beardhead, Beartek, Beatbox Beverages, Beddley, Bedjet
Bedryder, Bee D'Vine Honey Wine, Bee Free Honee, Bee Thinking, Beer Blizzard, BEERMKR, Beesweet Lemonade / Me & The Bees Lemonade, Behave Bras, Bello Verde
Bellybuds, Beloved Shirts, Beneath the Ink, BenjiLock, Bermies, Bertello, BeSomebody, Best Wardrobe Solutions, Better Back, Better Bedder, Better Life, Beulr, Bev Buckle, Beverageboy, Beyond Sushi, Biaggi, Bibbitec, Biem, Bird Dogs, Bite Toothpaste Bits, Bits Box, Black Sands Entertainment, Blendtique, Blondie's Cookies, Blowzee, Blueland, Body Jac, Body Walking, Bohana, Boho Camper Vans, Bolly X, Bombas, Bon Affair, Boo Boo Goo, Boobie Bar, Boobypack, Boogie Box Fitness, BoomBoom, Boost Oxygen, Boot Illusion, BootayBag, Booty Queen, Bottle Breacher, Bottle Bright, Bottlekeeper, Bounce Boot Camp, Bouquet Bar, BoxLock, Blueland, Brake Free Technologies, Brand Yourself, Bravo, Brazi Bites, Brazyn, Breathometer, Brellabox, Brewers Cow, Bridal Buddy, Brightwheel, Brilliant Pad, Broccoli Wad, Browndages, Brümachen, Brush Hero,
Bruw, Bubbly Blaster, Buck Mason, Buckle Me Baby Coats, Budsies, Buffer Bit, Bug Bite Thing, Buggy Beds, Bumbling Bee, Bunch Bikes, Bundil, Business Ghost, Busy Baby Mat, BusyBox, Buttercloth, Buzzy, Byoot, BZBox
Cab 20, Caddy Girls, Caddy Swag, Caffeindicator, Calm Strips, Camp No Counselors, Candi, Captain Ice Cream, Carsik Bib, Cashmere Hair, Cat Amazing, Cate App, Cave Shake, CBS Foods [aka: The Original Shrimp Burger], Cellhelmet, Cereal Killerz, Cerebral Success, Certifikid, Changed, Chapul Cricket Bars, Cheek'd, Cheese Chopper, Chef in Black, Chi'Lantro, Chill Soda, Chill Systems, Chirp, Chirps, Chocomize, Chopstick Art, Chordbuddy, Christmas Tree Hugger, Cinnaholic, Circadian Optics, CitiKitty, Classroom Jams, Clean Bottle, Clean Cube, Clean Sleep, Click & Carry, Clip N Go, Co.alition, CoatChex, Coco Jack, Coco Taps, Coconut Girl, Codi By Pillar, Coffee Brand Gifts, Coffee Joulies, Coffee Meets Bagel, CoinOut, College Foxes, Combat Flip Flops, Controlled Chaos, Cookie Dough Cafe, Cookie Kahuna, Cool Wazoo, Cool Wraps, Coolbox, Coolpeds, Copa Di Vino, Copper Cow Coffee, Cordaroy's, Corks Away, Cornucopia Express, Cougar LTD, Cousin's Maine Lobster, CoverPlay, Cow Wow Cereal Milk, Coyote Vest, Cozy Bug, Crea Products, Creation Nation, Crio Bru, Critter Pricker, Crooked Jaw, CropSticks, Cubicall, Cuddle Tunes, Cup Board Pro, Cup Bop, Curie, Curl Mix, Custard Stand Hot Dog Chili, Cut Buddy, Cycloramic,
DadWare, Daisy Cakes, Dance With Me, Dare-U-Go!, Dart Drones, DDP Yoga, Debbie Brooks Handbags, Deboned Baby Back Ribs / Bubba's Boneless Ribs, Define Bottle, Delighted by Hummus, Deskview, DetraPel, Deux, Diaper Dust, DigiWrap, Dino Don, Dirty Cookie, DNA Simple, Do Amore, Doc Spartan, Dog Threads, Dollop Gourmet, Doorbot Doorman, Doughp, Draft Top, Drain Strain, Drain Wig, Dreamland Baby, Dreampad, Drip Drop, Drive Suits, Drop Stop, Drumpants, Dude Products, DudeRobe, Dura-Tent, DynoSafe,
Earth Log, Easy Treezy, Echo Valley Meats, Eco Flower, Eco Nuts, Ecomowers, eCreamery
EDN, Eggmazing Egg Decorator, Electra Sports Drink, Element Bars, Elephant Chat, Elephant Pants, Emazing Lights, Emergencee, Energy Bits, Enso Rings, Esso Watches, Eterneva, Eve Drop, EverlyWell, Everytable, EVP Extreme Vehicle Protection, Evrewares, Extreme Sandbox, Eyebloc, EZ-Pee-Z, EZ PZ, EZ VIP, EZC Pak
Face Blok, Face Yoga, Fairytale Wishes, Inc., Fashiontap, Fat Ass Fudge, Fat Shack, Father Figure, Felt, Fiber Fix, Fidgetland, Final Straw, Fire Avert, FireFighter Turnout Bags, First Defense Nasal Screen, First Saturday Lime, Fish Fixe, FitDeck, Inc., FitFighter, Fitness Stride, Fixed, Fizzics, Flag, Flasky Flowers, FlexScreen, Fling Golf, Flip It Cap, Flip Outz, Flipstik, Float Baby, Float 'N' Grill, Floating Mug, Foam Party Hats, Fohawx, Foot Cardigan, Foot Fairy, Fort, Fort Magic, Fortress Clothing, Forus Athletics, Frameri, Freaker USA, Freeloader, Frends, Fresh Bellies, Fresh Patch, Freshly Picked, Fridge Fronts, Fried Green, Tomatoes, Frill Clothing, Frozen Farmer, Frywall, Fun Time Express, Funbites, Fun Cakes, Fur, Fur Zapper, Fuzzibunz
Gallant, Gameday Couture, Gameface, Games2U, Garage Door Lock, GarmaGuard, Gato Cafe, Gayla Bentley, Geek Chic, Geek My Tree, Genius Juice, Geo Orbital Wheel, GetAway, Gift Card Rescue, Glace Cryptotherapy, Gladiator Lacrosse, GloveStix, Glow Recipe, Go Go Gear, Go Oats, Goalsetter, Goat Pet, Gobie H2O, Goga Goat Yoga, Gold Rush Nugget Bucket, Golf Kicks, Good Grief Celebrations, Good Hangups, Gotta Have S'more, Goumi, Goverre, Grace and Lace, Graffiti Removal Service, Granola Gourmet, Grease Bags, Grease Monkey Wipes, Greenbox, Green Garmento, Grill Charms, Grind Basketball, Grinds, Grip Clean, Groovebook, Grouphug, Grypmat, Guard Llama, Guardian Bikes, Gunnar Optics, Guzzle Buddy
H2W - Sunstache, HairFin, Hairy Grabster, Hamboards, Hammer & Nails, Hampton Adams, Handbag Raincoat, Handout Gloves, Handy Pan, Hangease, Hannukah Tree Topper, Happy Feet, Hargitt Marine Services, Hatch Baby, Hater, Haven Lock, Heart Pup, Heat Helper, Heidi Ho, Hello Prenup, Hell's Bells Customs, Henry's Humdingers, HiccAway, Hidrent, Hill Billy Brands, Himalayan Dog Chew, Hip Chixs, Hire Santa, His & Her Bar, Hold Your Haunches, Holiball, The Inflatable Ornament, Honeyfund, Hoodie Pillow, HoopMaps, Hoppy Paws, Hopscotch, Hot Mama Gowns, Hot Shot, Hot Tot, Hotels By Day, How Do You Roll?, Hug Sleep, Hugo's Amazing Tape, Human Bobber, Hungry Harvest , HyConn, Hydromax, Hydroviv
I Want to Draw a Cat for You, IceBeanie, Ice Age Meals, Ice Chips, Ice Shaker, ICPooch, Icy Breeze, iFork, Illumibowl, Ilumi Solutions, Inboard, Inchbug, Incredible Eats, Inirv, Inkflip
Innovation Pets, InstaFire, Instant Lifts, Intelli-Stopper Technology, Invisarack, Invisiplug, Ionic Ear, iRetron, iSlide
Jack's Stands and Marketplaces, Jackson's Honest, Jada Spices, Jared Joyce [aka: Five Minute Furniture], Jarrett & Raja Productions, Jax Sheets, Jeska Shoe Company, JiggAerobics, Jiggy Puzzles, Joe's Gourmet Fish Fry, Jolly Roger Telephone Co., Jones, Scones, Jump Forward, Jungle Jumparoo, Junobie, Just the Cheese
K9 Mask, Kalyx, Kane & Couture, Kanga, Ka-Pop!, Kazam, Keen Home, Kettle Gryp, Kidrunner, KidsLuv, Kin Apparel, Kisstixx, Kitchen Safe, Kit Lender, Kitty Kasas, Knife Aid, Kodiak Cakes, Kookin' Cap, Kreyòl Essence, Kronos Golf, Kudo Banz, Kwik Hang, Kymera Board, Kymera Body Board
LA Haunted Hayride, Lace Your Face, Laid Brand, Lapel Project, LARQ, Las Vegas Wedding Wagon, Last Lid, Le-Glue, Leaux Racing Trikes, Ledge Pillow, Legal Grind, Legendary Burgers, Liberate Studio, Liddup, Life Lift Systems, Lifebelt, Life Caps, Liftid Neurostimulation, Lifter Hamper, Light Film (Power Decal), Lil Advents, LineCutterz, Linka, Lion Latch, Lip Bar, Lipstix Remix, Liquid Money, Lit Handlers, Lite-Netics, Litter, Little Burros, Little ELF, Little Nomad, Living Christmas Co., Liz Lovely Cookies, Llama Brew, Locker Board, Lockerbones, Lockstraps, Loctote, Loliware, Lollacup, Long Wharf Supply Co., Lord Nut Levington, Lord von Schmitt, Lose 12 Inches In 12 Workouts, Lovepop, LoveSync, Love Is Project, Love & Pebble, LUCIDArt, LugBug, Lugless, LuLuBang, Luma Soda, Lumi, Luminaid, Lumio, Luna Magic, Lynnae's Gourmet Pickles
M Tailor, M3 Girls, Mad Rabbit Tattoo, Magic Cook, MagicDates, Magic Moments, Major Mom, Makeup Junkie Bags, Mama's Milkbox, Man Candle, Man Medals, Man-Pack, Mango Mango' Mango Preserves, Manscaped, Marz Sprays, Maven's Creamery, MAXPRO Fitness, MB Lashes, McClary Bros, mcSquares, Mealenders, Measuring Shovel, Mee-Ma's, Melni, Mensch on a Bench, Mighty Carver, Milk & Brookies, Milk Snob, Minus Cal, Mir Mir, Misfit Foods, Miso Media, Mission Belt, MistoBox, Mix Bikini, Mo's Bows Handmade Bow Ties, Mobcraft Beer, Moberi, Mod Mom, Modern X-mas Tree, Moink, Moki Doorstep, Moment, Monkey Mat, Monti Kids, Morninghead, Mother Beverage (Poppi)
mountainFLOW Eco-Wax, Mr. Poncho, Mr. Tod's Pie Factory, Muddy Water Camo, Muff Waders, Mural Painters Inc., Mush Foods, Must Love, MuteMe, Muvez, My Cold Snap, My Fruity Faces, My Therapy Journal, My Wonderful Life, MyoStorm, Myself Belts
NailPak, Naja, Napwell, Nardo's Natural, National Association of Bubble Soccer, Natural Grip, Naturally Perfect Dolls, Nearly Newlywed, Neat Cheeks, Neo Innovations, NERDiT NOW, Nerdwax, Neuro, New Era Brands (Clip n Go), Nexersys, Nice Pipes, NightCap, NightRunner 270, Ninja Cards, Nitro Force, No Fly Cone, No Limbits, No Mo-Stache, No Phone, Noene, Noggin Boss, Nohbo, Nomiku, NootroBox, Notehall, Novel Effect, Nubrella
Nuchas, Nui, Numilk, Nuts 'N More,
OA Foods / Palmini, Oat Haus, Oatmeals, Obvious Wines, Odang Hummus, ODR Sled Dogs, Off the Cob, Oilerie USA, Omni, One Sole, ootBox, OpulenceMD Beauty, Ora Organics, Origaudio, Original Comfy, Original Runner Co., Original Stretchlace, Ornament Anchor, Oru Kayak, Outer, OverEZ Chicken Coops
Packback Books, Paintbrush Cover, Painted Pretzel, Pair Eyewear, Paleo Diet Bar, Pandaloon, Pan's Mushroom Jerky, Paparazzi Proposals, Paper Box Pilots, Parker Maple Farm, Partie Poche, Pashion Footwear, Pashko, Pasta by Hudson, Pavlok, Pawnix, PC Classes Online, PDX Pets, Peaceful Fruits, Peanut Butter Pump, Pearachute, Peekaboo Organics, People's Design, Perfect Pear, Pet Paint, Pet Plate, Pete + Pedro, Petnostics, Petrol, Phonesoap, Phoozy, Pick-Up Pools, Pili Hunters, Pillars of Slippers , PinBlock, Pinch Me Therapy Dough, Pink Picasso, Pink Shutter Photobooths, Pinole Blue, PiperWai, Pips & Bounce, Pipsnacks (Pipcorn), Pitmoss, Plated, Platetopper, Plop Star, Plunge, Pluto Pillow, PMS Bites, P-nuff Crunch, Podillow, Polar Pro, PolyGlide, Pooch Paper, Pooch Selfie, Pop It Pal, Popslate, PopUp Play, Pork Barrel BBQ, Postcard on the Run, Posture Now, Potato Parcel, Potty Safe, Powerpot, Prank-O, Prep Expert (2400 Expert), Prepdeck, Prepwell Academy, Press Waffle Co., Pretty Padded Room, Pricetitution, Pridebites Pet Products, Prime 6, Priority One Canine, Pristine Cleansing Sprays, Pro-NRG, Probiotic Maker, Profender, ProntoBev, Proof Eyewear, Proper Good, Proven Skincare, PRX Performance, Psi Bands, Pullypalz, PupBox, Puppy Cakes, Pure Ayre, Pursecase
QBall, QeepSake, QFlex, Qubits, Quevos, Quickstop Fire Sprinkler Tools, Quikflip Apparel
R. Riveter, Radiate, Rags to Riches, Raising Wild, Range Beauty, Rapid Ramen Cooker, Rapid Rope, RareForm, Readerest, Ready, Set, Food!, Recharj, Red Dress Boutique, Reely Hooked Fish, REMYXX, Rent A Goat, Rent A Grandma, Rent Like A Champion, Rescue, Ready, ReThink, Revestor, Reviver, Revolights, Reward Stock, Rick Smith, Ride on Carry-on, RinseKit, Robin Lawn Care, Rock Bands, RocketBook, RokBlok, RollinGreens, Rolodoc, Romp N' Roll , Romperjack, Roominate, Rootsuit, Roq Innovation, round21,, Rounderbum, Ruckpack, Rufflebutts & Ruggedbutts, Rugged Races, Rule Breaker Snacks, Rumi Spice, Rumpl, Ryan's Barkery [aka: Ry's Ruffery]
Saavy Naturals, Safe Catch, Safe Grabs, Safety Nailer, Salad Sling, Salespreneur, Salted, Samson Martin, Sanaia, SandCloud, SandiLake, Santa's Enchanted Mailbox, SAP!, Sarah Oliver, Saucemoto, Savy, SBU Self-Balancing Unicycle, Scan, Scholly, Schulzies Bread Pudding, Scratch & Grain Baking Co., Screenmend, Scrub Daddy, Sealed By Santa, See/Rescue Streamer, SeedSheet, SENDaBALL, Seriously Slime, Seventy2, Shake It Pup, Shark Wheel, Shed Defender, Sheets Laundry Club, Shefit, Shell Bobbers, Shemie, Show-No, Shower Pill, Shower Toga, Sienna Sauce, Sierra Madre , Signal Vault, SiliDog,
Silkroll, Simple Habit, Simple Sugars, Simply Fit Board, Simply Good Jars, Singtrix, Ski-Z, Skinny Mirror, Skinnyshirt, Skyride, Slate Milk, Slawsa, Sleep Styler, Sleeping Baby, Slice of Sauce, Slumberkins, SlumberPod, Slyde Handboards, Smart Baker, Smart Cart, SmartGurlz, Smartplate, Smartwheel [aka: Inventioneers], Snacklins, Snactiv, Snag A Stool, Snap Clips, Snarky Teas, SneakERASERS, SnoofyBee, Soapen, Soapsox, Sobe Stroller, Socktabs, SoleMates, Solemender, SolSource, Sominifix, Songlorious, Sonnet James, Soul's Calling, Soundbender, Souper Cubes, Soupergirl, Southern Comfort Foods, Southern Culture Artisan Foods, Soy-Yer-Dough, Space Traveler, Spare, SparkCharge, Sparketh, Spergo, Spikeball, Spirithoods, Splikitty, Spooner Boards, Spoonful of Comfort, Spretz, Sproing Fitness, Spy Escape & Evasion, Squatty Potty, Squeeky Knees, Squid Socks, Squirrel Boss, Sseko Designs, Stasher, Stella Valle, Stem Center, StepNpull, Sticky Note Holder, Storm Stoppers, Stress Free Kids, Sub Zero Ice Cream, SubSafe, Suds2Go, Sullivan Generator, Sunday Night Slow Jams, Sunflow, Sunniva, Sunscreen Mist, SunScreenr, Super Potty Trainer, Supply, Surfset Fitness, Surprise Cake, Surprise Ride , Susty Party, SWAG, Sway, Sweep Easy, Sweet Ballz, Swift Paws, Swimply, Swimzip , SwipenSnap, Switch Witch, Sworkit, Swoveralls, Syndaver
TA3 Swim, Ta-Ta Towel, Taaluma Totes, Tabby, Table 87 Pizza, Table Jacks, TactiBite Fish Call, Tadah!, Tailgate N Go, Tail Lightz, Talbot Teas, Tandem Boogie, Tangle Pets , Tania Speaks Organic Skincare, Tanoshi, Taylor Robinson Music, Teaspressa, TEC, Teddy Needs a Bath, TekDry, Ten Thirty One Productions [aka: LA Haunted Hayride], Tenikle, Terra-Core, Fitness, The Ave, The Baby Toon, The Bear & The Rat, The Beebo, The Bobble Head Place, The Bouqs Company, The Coop, The Dough Bar, The Factionist, The Fizz, The Freaker, The Fun House Project, The Good Promise, The Home T, The Kombucha Shop, The Kooler, The Longhairs, The Mad Optimists, The Matte, The Pizza Cupcake, The Pop, The Real Elf, The Scrubbie, The Smart Tire Company, The Spatty, The Style Club, The Swilt, The Wisp, The Yard Milkshake Bar, TheMagic5, Thin Gloss, Third Wave Water
Thompson Tee, Three Day Rule, Three Jerks Jerky, Thrive+, Throx, Tie-Knot, Tie Try, Tippi Toes, Tipsy Elves, Titin, Toilet Timer, Tom+Chee, Toor, Total Merchant Resources, Total Tie Keep, Totes Babies, Touch Up Cup, Tough Tie, Tower Paddle Boards , Toybox Labs, Toygaroo, ToyMail, Track Days, Traditional Fisheries, Tranquilo Mat, Treasure Chest Pets,
Tree T-Pee, Tremont Electric, Trimi Tanks, Trippie, Tristen Ikaika, Trobo, TrophySmack, Truffle Shuffle, Trunkster, TurboBaster, TurboPup, TushBaby, Tutu Blue, Twin Z Pillow, Twist It Up Comb, Twister Cleaner, Two Guys Bowtie, Tycoon Real Estate
U-Lace, Umano, Umaro, UnbuckleMe, Uncle Zip's Beef Jerky, Under The Weather, Underease Underwear, Uniform, Unikey Technologies, UnPack, Unreal Deli, Unshrinkit, Uprising Food, Urban Float, Urbio, Uroclub
Vabroom, Vade Nutrition, Validated, Valpark, Van Robotics, Veggie Mama, Velocity Signs
Vengo, Verbalize It, Vermont Butcher Block & Board Co., Vestpakz, Vibes, Victoria's Kitchen, Victory Coffee, Viewsport, Village Scholarships, Villy Customs, Vinamor, Virtuix Omni, Virtusphere, Voyage Air Guitar, VPCabs, Vurtego
Wad-Free, WaiveCar, Wake N Bacon, Walkee Paws, Wall Doctor X, Wallet Buckle, Wanna Date?, Washed Up Hollywood, Wedfuly, Wee Can Shop, Wendy's Gnome Shop, Wicked Good Cupcakes, Wild Earth, Wild Squirrel Nut Butter, Windcatcher, Wine & Design, Wine Balloon, Wingman Life Jacket, Wink, Wired Waffles, Wispot, Wise Pocket Products, Wondercide, World Record Striper, Wurkin Stiffs, WYP Aviation
Xcraft, Xero Shoes, XTorch
Yellow Leaf Hammocks, YONO Clip, You Kick Ass, You Smell, Young King Hair Care, Yourself Expression, Yubo, Yumble
Zach & Zoe Sweet Bee Farm, Zinepak, Zipit Bedding, Zipz, Zomm, Zoobean, Zookies Cookies, Zoom Interiors, Zorpads, ZuGoPet, Zuum Technologies, ZUP, Zuvaa